The SeaKings of Crete James Baikie 9781374991903 Books

This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.
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The SeaKings of Crete James Baikie 9781374991903 Books
This really should be a primer for those students in high school who wish to become historians or at the very least history majors in college. While discussing the history of prehistoric Europe or the Mediterranean basin it does take the reader away from the ancient Egypt classical Tigris and Euphrates orientation and brings to life a whole new way of looking at the cultural development of that region.Dated though some of the factual information is, the concept of prehistory in Europe is one that is still ignored in education today. Aside from the fact that it is a pleasantly accessible book, it is in its own way rather revolutionary.
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Tags : The Sea-Kings of Crete [James Baikie] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work is in the public domain in the United States of America,James Baikie,The Sea-Kings of Crete,Pinnacle Press,1374991902,History General
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The SeaKings of Crete James Baikie 9781374991903 Books Reviews
Published in at least 3 editions (1910, 1913 and 1920), it is a fascinating general book that digests the latest finds from prehistoric (Minoan) Crete (excavations at Knossos began in 1900) and includes previously unknown photographs (i.e. not in the Sir Arthur Evans archive of the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford). The Revd Baikie wrote extensively on many ancient matters including Egyptology, as well as on Scotland.
Very comprehensive guide of the Island of Crete and Minoan culture and their place in ancient history.
The book does an admirable job explaining a period in history which is still something of a mystery. It pushes the notion that the Minoan civilization was really the principal influence on what would become the Greek and later Western civilization.
What I didn't find was reference in any great degree to destruction wrought by the volcanic explosion on Thera.
Otherwise its very in teresting
Good but quite dated. I bought it because I thought it had been updated but not so.
The Sea-Kings of Crete is about the Minoan civilization, focusing on the early excavations of the Minoan palace in Knossos. It starts with a discussion of Minos and its role in Greek legends and practices. Then proceeding to discus the finds at Knossos, and adds artifacts from other locations to paint a picture of Minoan Culture. The edition is derived from a 1913 second edition printing.
There are many things to like in The Sea-Kings of Crete. Mr. Baikie does an excellent job of describing the objects found in the excavation of Knossos and describing them without significantly slowing the narrative. This tome also uses well the technique of addressing the reader as an intelligent curious person. The edition has a glossary with working hot links at the end of the book.
The Sea-Kings of Crete is by no means perfect. Mr. Baikie spends much time trying to tie the artifacts and locations to the ancient Homeric legends, with scant evidence. For some odd reason the Edition retained every fourth page number from the original text, leading to a page numbers spread throughout the text. There is a list of some twenty illustrations and pictures in the beginning, but I could not see them on my .
I enjoyed reading this book. I know very little about the Minoans, so I was left wondering how much more has been excavated and how the conclusions drawn had changed in the last 100 years. I reccomend this book if you are looking, like many early archeologists, to tie the Greek legends to places. Due to the age of the material, I would not recommend this book if you want to learn all about the Minoan civilization in one place.
This book was written before linear B was identified as a form of Greek. The book is dated but that is what makes it interesting and is very educational is the sense you can see where the interpretation of the existing facts led to correct files and where they mislead. It has a wealth of knowledge about the first excavations. A useful read for someone familiar with the current state of Minoan history.
This really should be a primer for those students in high school who wish to become historians or at the very least history majors in college. While discussing the history of prehistoric Europe or the Mediterranean basin it does take the reader away from the ancient Egypt classical Tigris and Euphrates orientation and brings to life a whole new way of looking at the cultural development of that region.
Dated though some of the factual information is, the concept of prehistory in Europe is one that is still ignored in education today. Aside from the fact that it is a pleasantly accessible book, it is in its own way rather revolutionary.

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