Traditional Logic I Quizzes and Tests Martin Cothran 9781615381043 Books

A logic course for all ages, but designed for use as young as 7th Grade, Traditional Logic is an in-depth study of the classical syllogism. Along with a basic understanding of the Christian theory of knowledge, the text presents the four kinds of logical statements, the four ways propositions can be opposed, the three ways in which they can be equivalent, and the seven rules for the validity of syllogisms. This quiz booklet is the perfect supplement to the Text and Key!
Traditional Logic I Quizzes and Tests Martin Cothran 9781615381043 Books
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Tags : Traditional Logic I, Quizzes and Tests [Martin Cothran] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. A logic course for all ages, but designed for use as young as 7th Grade, Traditional Logic is an in-depth study of the classical syllogism. Along with a basic understanding of the Christian theory of knowledge,Martin Cothran,Traditional Logic I, Quizzes and Tests,Memoria Press,161538104X,Education,Nonfiction,Education Curricula
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Traditional Logic I Quizzes and Tests Martin Cothran 9781615381043 Books Reviews
This is a great tool for those tutoring Traditional Logic. However, be forewarned that not all tests/quizzes match the content of the chapter.
It's good to be able to test knowledge, but there is no answer key anywhee. I even bought the traditional Logic 1 key book and it only has the daily work in it, no tests. It makes this kind of useless for me.
Top notch!
A great addition to the Logic curriculum. Easy to use.
I finally received this. Thanks!

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