The True Story of the Three Little Pigs Jon Scieszka Lane Smith 8580001065663 Books

The True Story of the Three Little Pigs Jon Scieszka Lane Smith 8580001065663 Books
My 3-yr-old's preschool has been doing a lot of 3 little pigs activities the past couple of weeks so I thought this might be fun. My daughter tends to be very easy to frighten and very against anything scary (and so we've never done the whole some animals eat other animals life lesson), so after reading the other reviews, I pre-read it and figured out how to skip over the pigs getting eaten bits (there are no scary pictures). BUT, my husband let me sleep in and read the book to her first, and he didn't edit it. And she loved it! :) It's really a very cute book, and at least wasn't too scary or mean for my little tender heart.
Tags : The True Story of the Three Little Pigs [Jon Scieszka, Lane Smith] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. <b>You thought you knew the story of the “The Three Little Pigs”… You thought wrong.</b> In this hysterical and clever fracture fairy tale picture book that twists point of view and perspective,Jon Scieszka, Lane Smith,The True Story of the Three Little Pigs,Puffin Books,0140544518,Animals - Pigs,Animals - Wolves & Coyotes,Fairy Tales & Folklore - Adaptations,Pigs,Pigs;Fiction.,Swine,Wolves,Wolves;Fiction.,Animal stories (Children's Teenage),Animals,CHILDREN'S FICTION GENERAL,Children's BooksAges 4-8 Fiction,Children: Grades 1-2,Easy Fiction,Fairy tales, folk tales, fables, magical tales & traditional stories,Farm & working animals,Fiction,General,General & Literary Fiction,JUVENILE,JUVENILE FICTION Animals Pigs,JUVENILE FICTION Animals Wolves & Coyotes,JUVENILE FICTION Fairy Tales & Folklore Adaptations,JUVENILE FICTION General,JUVENILE FICTION Humorous Stories,Juvenile Fiction,Juvenile Grades 1-2 Ages 6-7,Picture Book,Picture books,Pigs,Pigs;Fiction.,Swine,United States,Wolves,Wolves;Fiction.,fractured fairy tales;classics;folklore;pigs;fables;three pigs;fairy tales;fairy tale;three little pigs;nursery rhymes;childrens books ages 1-3;toddler books;toddler books ages 2-4;books for 4 year olds;books for 3 year olds;the three little pigs;three little pigs book;funny kids books;stories;true story;3 little pigs book;pig;3 little pigs;the three pigs;3 little pigs books;picture books for children ages 6-8;true stories;picture books;animals;folk tales;books for 7 year old girls;animal books,jon scieszka; fractured fairy tales; classics; folklore; pigs; fables; three pigs; fairy tales; folktales; fairy tale; three little pigs; nursery rhymes; animals; childrens books ages 1-3; toddler books; toddler books ages 2-4; books for 4 year olds; books for 3 year olds; the three little pigs; three little pigs book; funny kids books; picture books; stories; true story; 3 little pigs book; books about wolves; pig books; pig book; pig; 3 little pigs; the three pigs; the three little pigs book; 3 little pigs books,General,JUVENILE FICTION Animals Pigs,JUVENILE FICTION Animals Wolves & Coyotes,JUVENILE FICTION Fairy Tales & Folklore Adaptations,JUVENILE FICTION General,JUVENILE FICTION Humorous Stories,Children's BooksAges 4-8 Fiction,Fiction,Juvenile Fiction,Children: Grades 1-2,Animal stories (Children's Teenage),Animals,Fairy tales, folk tales, fables, magical tales & traditional stories,Farm & working animals,General & Literary Fiction,Picture books
The True Story of the Three Little Pigs Jon Scieszka Lane Smith 8580001065663 Books Reviews
Love the book! I am a teacher and I am always looking for books to read to my students (Middle School). It is great to hear another point of view.
My sister turned me on to the book when she was in college working on her education degree. The first time I read the book I thought, what a great story. I purchased the book when nephews, nieces, and Godchildren came into my life. I always get "will you read that one more time". I do. I know children generally say "one more time". But, when the visit they always ask if I will read the story about the real story of the threel little pigs. I think the book is life at it's best. We all see things differently and it is all in the wording and agenda(slow news day so they pick on the poor ole wolf)of others. I purchased the book to give to my Uncle so he could read it to his grandson. When I was little he gave me a Uncle Remus book and he would read over and over...I have never forgot the book or the times I know I rushed him to sit down and read to me. There is nothing on this earth more precious than memories. Amazing the small things we remember and the love related to those memories.
Who doesn't love The True Story Of The 3 Little Pigs. I bought this book 30 years ago (man I'm old) to read to my son's 2nd grade class. Now 30 years later I bought a copy for my grand kids. They love it! Wonderfully funny story that makes you feel a little sorry for the wolf. Great buy!
An old story told from a different perspective. I liked it when my kids were younger and hope the grandkids will, too. I also purchased 2 other versions of the 3 Little Pigs so they can have fun comparing and deciding which tale is the most truthful [or most fun].
I have always loved this story as a kid and was so ecstatic when I saw this on here. I bought it immediately and read it to my three year old the night I received it.
The book is in great condition, it's almost as if I bought it directly from a book fair. the pages are all there and no tears or damage to them either.
I remember reading this book as a child and I forgot about its existence, until recommended the book to me. It definitely brought back a wave of nostalgia and I love it as much as I did as a kid. It's dark and some may find it offensive (I grew up with Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark for reference), but I personally don't believe that it needs to be edited when read to children.
I've always loved this version of "The Three Little Pigs," as told by the Wolf. The narrating wolf (who you're free to not believe) claims to have been a victim of a bad cold and some very rude swine. It's a clever and funny approach with wonderfully unique artwork.
The one word of caution for parents who are sensitive about this sort thing this is working of the classic version of the story, meaning that the first two pigs are in fact killed and eaten. They don't escape to their brother's house and it's made clear that they're killed ("dead as a doornail" is the exact wording, which always tickled me.) Now I personally don't feel this is anything traumatic but it's worth being aware of for parents.
My 3-yr-old's preschool has been doing a lot of 3 little pigs activities the past couple of weeks so I thought this might be fun. My daughter tends to be very easy to frighten and very against anything scary (and so we've never done the whole some animals eat other animals life lesson), so after reading the other reviews, I pre-read it and figured out how to skip over the pigs getting eaten bits (there are no scary pictures). BUT, my husband let me sleep in and read the book to her first, and he didn't edit it. And she loved it! ) It's really a very cute book, and at least wasn't too scary or mean for my little tender heart.

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