The Shadow Throne The Ascendance Trilogy Book 3 eBook Jennifer A Nielsen

The Shadow Throne The Ascendance Trilogy Book 3 eBook Jennifer A Nielsen
I loved The False Prince. I really liked The Runaway King, and on a second read, appreciated it even more. But I just felt so frustrated by The Shadow Throne. Jaron ran from battle to battle. By now we've gotten so used to the tricks up his sleeve that you know eventually he'll get out of any problem, no matter how weak or broken he is. He proved that in book 2. You look for hints that he gives, but the tricks often rely on some coincidences or other people, so not only is it hard to predict but it's impossible for Jaron to predict as well. It leads to a different sort of "Gotcha" than the ones I adored in book 1.Overall, I think this book just exhausted me. Perhaps the war was just too big of a plot element. For each of the previous books, the plot was heading towards a single location, a big event. Sure, there were complications and detours along the road, and, sure, Jaron had smaller sleights of hand beyond his big master plan, but you still knew where that final master plan would land him, if not the outcome or trick itself.
In TRK, I enjoyed watching Jaron's evolution into becoming the king. Although he spells it out here, it was shown so well. And of course, in TFP, it was all about Jaron's evolution to accepting himself as the prince. But what was his evolution in this book?
Then of course, there's the bigger "Gotcha" pulled on the readers AND Jaron, which I didn't appreciate so much. Sure, I like a HEA ending, but getting a romantic one out of this book seemed a little deus ex machina and questionable considering the Avenians' motivations. Some other characters' motives also seem a little murky. Particularly, I couldn't trace Conner's motives.
Still, it's always fun to follow Jaron around, and the relationships he has with the other characters are touching. Tobias and Amarinda was a nice touch, and it's kind of cute how clueless Jaron is about all things romantic. And reading along, it is kind of nice to trust in him, that there's some plan, something that will eventually get him out of this and anticipating what it will be.
Recommended for fans of: the trilogy who want to see how it will end, battles, never-ending sleights of hand, coincidences, Sage/Jaron's voice, clever MCs who can also be clueless

Tags : The Shadow Throne (The Ascendance Trilogy, Book 3) eBook: Jennifer A. Nielsen: Kindle Store,ebook,Jennifer A. Nielsen,The Shadow Throne (The Ascendance Trilogy, Book 3),Scholastic Press,Action & Adventure - General,Fantasy - General,Action & Adventure - General,Adventure and adventurers,Adventure fiction,Adventure stories,Adventure stories (Children's Teenage),Battles,Battles;Juvenile fiction.,Children's BooksAges 9-12 Fiction,Children: Young Adult (Gr. 7-9),Fantasy & Magic,Fantasy - General,Fiction-Fantasy,JUVENILE,Juvenile Fiction,Juvenile Fiction Action & Adventure General,Juvenile Fiction Fantasy & Magic,Juvenile Fiction General,Juvenile FictionAction & Adventure - General,Juvenile FictionRoyalty (kings,Juvenile Grades 7-9 Ages 12-14,Kings and rulers,Kings and rulers;Juvenile fiction.,Kings, queens, rulers, etc,Monograph Series, any,Rescues,Rescues;Juvenile fiction.,Royalty (kings queens princes princesses knights etc.),TEEN'S FICTION - ACTION & ADVENTURE,TEEN'S FICTION FANTASY,United States,YOUNG ADULT FICTION,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Action & Adventure General,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Fantasy General,Fantasy & Magic,Juvenile Fiction Action & Adventure General,Juvenile Fiction Fantasy & Magic,Juvenile Fiction General,Juvenile FictionAction & Adventure - General,Juvenile FictionRoyalty (kings,Royalty (kings queens princes princesses knights etc.),YOUNG ADULT FICTION Action & Adventure General,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Fantasy General,Children's BooksAges 9-12 Fiction,Juvenile fiction,YOUNG ADULT FICTION,Children: Young Adult (Gr. 7-9),Adventure stories (Children's Teenage)
The Shadow Throne The Ascendance Trilogy Book 3 eBook Jennifer A Nielsen Reviews
What a wonderful story and one of my all time favorite book heroes. Great final book of a fantastic trilogy. Following Jaron’s adventures through these books has been a wild ride as he finds himself in one impossible situation after the other, and then comes up with an impossible plan and makes it work. Not that each of them results in a happy ending and sometimes in tragedy. There are just too many other wonderful characters I learned to love along the way. I don’t want to give away too much of the story because it would ruin the first book if I did. More fun if one does not read any spoilers in this trilogy.
This is not a fantasy story in that there are no supernatural, dragons and such. But it is a make believe land where it takes place with horses and knights and lots of swordplay. An amazing young prince who has made fast friends with some unlikely other boys – or young men by the time this part of the story is told. Is it a romance? It is to a degree from the serving girl who Jaron loves but dares not admit it to the princess he has been betrothed to since his brother was killed and he, as prince, stepped into the agreement. Both the serving girl and the princess are also strong and wonderful players in the story. Jaron’s relationship with his Captain is complicated and goes back to the first book. They have been bitter enemies and good friends. As Jaron loved them all, so did I as the reader.
The villain in this story weaves in and out of the turmoil as he is in prison for most of the second and third book. I always felt he would play a large part somewhere, and sure enough. But there are more evil men here including a king who is determined to take over not only Jaron’s people but all else too.
Some of this book was not as fun to read for me as the other two. I worried too much. There is cruelty and my hero who never runs and never gives up, appeared to have reached the end of his will to fight any more. But the very traits that made me love him in the first place were always there underneath. There were things going on in this battle to save his throne and his people that I wondered about. The author lets us into Jaron’s mind and thoughts, but just enough and not enough to see what he really intended to happen. Sometimes I guessed and sometimes I was totally surprised at the minor miracles he pulled out. But so was Jaron which made it even a better read. Really good writing.
This is YA and would be suitable to all ages. I expect a boy would enjoy this one more than a lot of the YA stories that are based around the girl being the main character that the reader follows. This book is told in the first person which works perfectly. Jaron is clever and has a sense of humor which definitely comes across.
Wonderful trilogy and I will re-read it. I think it will be a fun re-read because now I know some of the things Jaron was planning that he did not let me know when he was telling the story!
Well, I was seriously doubting whether I would like this conclusion to the Ascendance Trilogy or not. I mean, Jennifer Nielsen is clever and an excellent writer. She's proven that with the first two books already. Her characters are absolutely golden and her plot is gripping, there's no doubt about that. But I was almost convinced that she'd written herself into an impossible corner, apparently Jaron's specialty. Even with his cunning wit and sharp tongue, I was scared. But alas, my faith has been restored and I am very pleased. I don't think I can recommend this trilogy highly enough and my thanks go out to those who convinced me to read it, Mel and MPH, inadvertently. Nielsen, I thank you. And touche! Few authors have been able to achieve for me what you have. Well-done.
I loved The False Prince. I really liked The Runaway King, and on a second read, appreciated it even more. But I just felt so frustrated by The Shadow Throne. Jaron ran from battle to battle. By now we've gotten so used to the tricks up his sleeve that you know eventually he'll get out of any problem, no matter how weak or broken he is. He proved that in book 2. You look for hints that he gives, but the tricks often rely on some coincidences or other people, so not only is it hard to predict but it's impossible for Jaron to predict as well. It leads to a different sort of "Gotcha" than the ones I adored in book 1.
Overall, I think this book just exhausted me. Perhaps the war was just too big of a plot element. For each of the previous books, the plot was heading towards a single location, a big event. Sure, there were complications and detours along the road, and, sure, Jaron had smaller sleights of hand beyond his big master plan, but you still knew where that final master plan would land him, if not the outcome or trick itself.
In TRK, I enjoyed watching Jaron's evolution into becoming the king. Although he spells it out here, it was shown so well. And of course, in TFP, it was all about Jaron's evolution to accepting himself as the prince. But what was his evolution in this book?
Then of course, there's the bigger "Gotcha" pulled on the readers AND Jaron, which I didn't appreciate so much. Sure, I like a HEA ending, but getting a romantic one out of this book seemed a little deus ex machina and questionable considering the Avenians' motivations. Some other characters' motives also seem a little murky. Particularly, I couldn't trace Conner's motives.
Still, it's always fun to follow Jaron around, and the relationships he has with the other characters are touching. Tobias and Amarinda was a nice touch, and it's kind of cute how clueless Jaron is about all things romantic. And reading along, it is kind of nice to trust in him, that there's some plan, something that will eventually get him out of this and anticipating what it will be.
Recommended for fans of the trilogy who want to see how it will end, battles, never-ending sleights of hand, coincidences, Sage/Jaron's voice, clever MCs who can also be clueless

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