Gork the Teenage Dragon A novel Vintage Contemporaries eBook Gabe Hudson

Gork the Teenage Dragon A novel Vintage Contemporaries eBook Gabe Hudson
I really wanted to like this. It sounded like a very interesting take on dragons. The first part, where Gork was in his infancy, was very good. I was enjoying it. Then it got to part 2. 100 pages or so, and we've seen 40 minutes of Gork's life. Random conflicts thrown in to just have conflict it seemed. I was also going to start a tally of how many times the phrase "scaly green ass" was used. This is what finally broke me. Reading that phrase for what seemed like the 200th time, I just decided to give up. I wasn't able to finish it. I am giving it two stars though, as there were bits that I did read that seemed like it had potential, but were just casually tossed aside. I think Hudson may have potential as a writer, but this really smacks of a first novel.
Tags : Gork, the Teenage Dragon: A novel (Vintage Contemporaries) - Kindle edition by Gabe Hudson. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Gork, the Teenage Dragon: A novel (Vintage Contemporaries).,ebook,Gabe Hudson,Gork, the Teenage Dragon: A novel (Vintage Contemporaries),Vintage,Fantasy - Humorous,Literary,Science Fiction - Action & Adventure,Dragons,FICTION Fantasy Humorous,FICTION Literary,FICTION Literary.,FICTION Science Fiction Action & Adventure,FICTION Science Fiction Adventure.,Fantasy - Humorous,Fantasy fiction,Fantasy.,Fiction,Fiction-Literary,FictionComing of Age,FictionLiterary,FictionScience Fiction - Action & Adventure,GENERAL,General Adult,Literary,Romance fiction,Science Fiction - Action & Adventure,funny books; humor books; fantasy books; young adult books; teen books; science fiction books; dragon books; sci-fi books; graphic novels; time travel books; ya books; funny books for kids; teen reads; coming of age books; adventure books; books about dragons; swords and scorcery books; dragons; books with dragons; robot books; books with robots; action adventure books; time travel; fantasy; humor; comedy; novels; scifi books; sci-fi; science fiction and fantasy; dragon; literary fiction; fantasy books for adults,funny books;humor books;fantasy books;young adult books;teen books;science fiction books;dragon books;sci-fi books;graphic novels;time travel books;ya books;funny books for kids;teen reads;coming of age books;adventure books;books about dragons;dragons;robot books;action adventure books;time travel;fantasy;humor;comedy;novels;scifi books;dragon;science fiction;sci fi;science fiction and fantasy;sci-fi;sci fi books;literary fiction;fantasy novels;fiction;fiction books;literature;sci fi book,FICTION Fantasy Humorous,FICTION Literary,FICTION Science Fiction Action & Adventure,FictionComing of Age,FictionLiterary,FictionScience Fiction - Action & Adventure,Fiction
Gork the Teenage Dragon A novel Vintage Contemporaries eBook Gabe Hudson Reviews
Absolutely outstanding; could not put the book down. A Great read for all ages.
My 13 yr. Old granddaughter loved it..
Very cute story about a teenage dragon. I found it hard to get into at first, but the last half of the book finally caught my attention.
Very entertaining read. Lots of humor. This is not a kids book at all. Lots of swearing and a little sexy stuff. Maybe ok for teenagers but older ones. Never the less, I enjoyed this book.
The universe and dragon mythology crafted by the author was engaging on many levels. The witty and complex character development made it just as entertaining for me to read as it was for my younger cousin, who loved the goofiness of Gork, and we both loved how the book intertwined sci-fi and fantasy - think Adventure Time with a fire-breathing dragon.
I got tricked by the promotion; they made is sound like the best thing since Hitchhiker's Guide; not the case. The premise was kinda cute, and it could have been an okay short story, but there was way too much filler, stilted dialog, lack of character development, and, well, sophomoric humor...
I read great reviews about this book so pre-ordered it. Wow! If you like repetition, or if you like to read one chapter and then go away for a month and come back and read the next perhaps this book will not annoy you as much as it does to me. But in one sitting it was enough to give me a headache and wonder about return policies regarding read but disliked books.
I really wanted to like this. It sounded like a very interesting take on dragons. The first part, where Gork was in his infancy, was very good. I was enjoying it. Then it got to part 2. 100 pages or so, and we've seen 40 minutes of Gork's life. Random conflicts thrown in to just have conflict it seemed. I was also going to start a tally of how many times the phrase "scaly green ass" was used. This is what finally broke me. Reading that phrase for what seemed like the 200th time, I just decided to give up. I wasn't able to finish it. I am giving it two stars though, as there were bits that I did read that seemed like it had potential, but were just casually tossed aside. I think Hudson may have potential as a writer, but this really smacks of a first novel.

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